This shows how hackers hack remotly which is 90% undetectable In this tutorial you will learn how to hack a computer any where in the world. Ok well not anywhere obviously things like the military and the goverment will have very high security so you definately wont be able 2 hack them using this method. I hope not aniways .
A Major Notice If you are behind a router you will need to port forward your router. To do this you can use a DMS. Its hard to explain as every router has a different interface ( homepage that has a different layout ) so i suggest you go to google and search It will teach you how to port forward your router there.
Ok to begin with you will need these three tools
Daemon Crypt -
Pc Guard -
Yuri Rat -
Ok now that you have these three tools your 1st step will be to open up Yuri Rat and then click on server build
You should now have the following the screen
In this screen I want you to put your IP address into the DNS/IP section.
To get IP Address go to Start > Run > Type CMD and hit enter. When the black box appears type in IPCONFIG. You will then have your IP Address
Port: You Can Leave As Default (-7898-)
Assigned Name: Doesn’t effect how the server will work its just to keep you more organized so if you wanted to hack your friend “JOE” and specifically make this server for him then you may want to type something like “JOES TROJAN”.
Server Install Name: You should leave this as default as I myself don’t know what the difference is as every server you make is named server when it is 1st created anyway. Do not change it as it may make problems but I am not sure.
Ok as you can see there are more settings on the right hand side. I am going to recommend you settings for different purposes
To Hack A Friend For Fun: Uncheck Everything Unless You Want To Do Optional
(OPTIONAL) Melt Server - Your server will disappear into another folder
(OPTIONAL) Custom Icon if you want to make it more believable or something then get an icon of super Mario or something you get my drift
To Find Out Valuable Information: Check Everything
Ok Now You Are Finished Click Build
Your server will then be saved to your C:\ or Hard Drive which ever you know it as. Now we are going to make the server about 90% Undetectable. Only once has one of my servers been detected by an anti virus and I think it was a Norton not sure which version. Ive scanned more then once with Kasper Sky & Symantec Anti Virus and every time they said its clean so lets begin
Open Up Daemon Crypt
Select Your File by clicking browse and going to the folder your server is in. If you have not moved it, it will most likely be in C:\
So Now You Have This
Click On Crypt and then you can close Daemon Tools
Now Install Your Pc Guard for Win32
When you open it you should get this
Ok you have to do basically the same thing as what you did with daemon tools. Click Browse and then find your server so that you have this